Saturday, November 8, 2008


Okay this tag is about ~SMILE~

* List out things that make you smile, happy
* Then tag it to your friends

Let me list out what will make me smile...

-Frienzies around me
-Trash talk with frienzies
-Seeing people happy/ successful
-Watch animes
-Competition (especially with tough opponents, though I cant be sure that I'm going to win but I can guarantee it's going to be a good fight)
-AMATERASU burns GRANDPA, TSUKOYMI delivers GRANDPA 72 hours of pain
(She probably says: Dont 'fan' me, go awayla you, haih, sien, go study, GRANDMA!!! or just simply spam ... ,nudge me infinite times)
-Bother Cai Yi (I might get myself in hot larva)
-People care about me
-Wake up early
-Learn new things
-New environment
-Meeting unique/ special people (in fact, I've met a lot of them in my life who I hold dear, doesnt only mean for the girls, males also but I'm not going to tell who you guys are. "We talk heart")

Basically, that's all from me. Haha!

No one to tag

When Hell BREAKS Loose

1 comment:

Cai Yi said...

hey, try to bother me again, i'll sure cubit you till your eye came out... i mean pop out