Saturday, February 21, 2009

Stay Strong Always......

People do not, never forget where you come from. Remember your roots and your hommies, keep them all in your heart. Tough times come and go as well as people do but never lose the ideals. No man, never lose ideals.

Time makes people change that much is true but you know deep inside you'll always have that old self in you reminding you of the good time from long ago. That is what we call memories, I call them treasures. I'm sure you would think the same.

Dont worry about people leaving, some go and new ones come. Questioning Friendship may sounded aggressive but it's a fact. All that matters is there are people who want to Be A Part of YOU, truly till this date.

Fact is people who leave only leave because they have their own reasons,
may it be personal or some dumbass reasons......

As far as I'm concerned if you quit because of a meaningless reason, than you're not a friend...... because true friend sticks together no matter what.

So if you're striving hard to regain what you've lost,
Keep It Going,
I Dont See Any Flaws in your hardwork. I actually support you more!!!!
Your Efforts Shall Not Go Unworthy Of.

Please don't give up if someone else does, because You're what you're and you're what people who take you as a friend, dont ever change it, no mask needed and let the time do the rest of the healing.

Do what you do best and oh yeah SMILE O....O I LOVE SMILES A LOT!!!

Stay strong... always......

Hardcore Pawnography

1 comment:

Cai Yi said...

Let me guess, u are talking about me...