Friday, December 12, 2008


Back then, I used to think that I'm much better than you're, in every aspects. I must say that I was a bit of snobbish. Yeah, it was. Few months later, you had finally caught up with me and surpassed me eventually. But still, I didnt take much of a notice of how well your achievements were as deeply inside of me, I still can feel I've the advantage and I'm the one who's going to be triumphant. That sense of feeling led me to a downfall during my PMR days. My result wasnt as good if it was to compared to yours and it isnt the result I had in mind. I was very very disappointed of myself and angry. Not angry because of you but angry because I took you too lightly and I'm angry at myself for doing that. One thing for sure at that particular time, my animosity towards you is growing underneath my layered skin. Then again, I've never thought in my life that you're still remain the same old self. You're still the same old person when we first met. As humble as you're and showing kindness to everyone and of course your hairstyle- Afro. that's the most significant. I couldnt find the rage inside of me to hate you. Come to think of it, I'm rather soft-hearted. I guess that's the reason why we're still best friends despite your absence in my life for almost 2 years. Anyway, both of us are now at your last league of education, I'm going to give my best shot and this time there'll be a slight change, that's it, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU!!! No more fooling around and mercy. Show me what you got after this 2 years.

SY Leong


Cai Yi said...

Who is that Leong??
Tell me, I wanna know

Chris Redfield said...

Why you want to know? He's the original Mangekyou Sharingan user. He's at the first at my friendster featured friend. Haha! You go and see.

Cai Yi said...

I don't want to see... blek..

Chris Redfield said...

You shouldnt ask the the very beginning. Haha!

LynnToh said...

haha, dont need to go friendster and recheck! I know who's got the afro style! =D

Chris Redfield said...

Shhh... Our secret, Sam. Shh... Haha!