Wednesday, December 24, 2008

At that moment...

... I thought that was the right thing to do because simply I felt you need to learn about it. Anyway, a pass is a pass, it's not a thing that you can look into and be in a stand still and to whine about it. Now, I've no regret for what I did. Narcisus, a guild member of mine told me, he told me a lot of things. And the only thing I can really remembered was:-

What we can do is believe in what we know ourselves to be true and speak out for

Frankly speaking, that's from the mouth of an eleven year-old boy.

The secret, I'll keep it save.

When Hell BREAKS Loose


Cai Yi said...

what happen to you?? Why suddenly write out those things?? So weird...

Chris Redfield said...

I guess it's must be the Christmas fever that made me like this. Haha! Look, I'm fine now!